Thursday, September 15, 2016

A solution to the armed violence problem in Chicago

Do what Albania did.  
When the strong armed communist dictator died and the USSR fell apart, Albania threw off its communist leaders.  It was rough going, especially when the Kosovo War spilled into Albania.  Given that the military was in disarray, someone had the bright idea to empty the country's arsenal and give the weapons to the citizens. Big mistake.  There were some 4,000 shootings (homicides?) of Albanians by Albanians.

When a prime minister with authority took over, he sent soldiers from house to house and seized 75 per cent of the weapons.  The remainder were sold to the combatants Kosovo.

Now the only weapons allowed are hunting rifles and you must take a training and become licensed to get those.  And no one can have automatic or semi-automatic weapons at all.  If caught with an illegal weapon- 7 year prison sentence.  No armed violence problem in Albania now.

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