Monday, August 1, 2016

Tour map

We start in Kruja and finish in Tirana, as shown.

Ataturk International Airport

We are flying to Sarajevo through Istanbul on Turkish Airlines. We were somewhat worried when Ataturk international airport was bombed but they got it up and running in two days.    Then we became disturbed about the attempted coup in Turkey. But it looks as if the strong man prevailed and Ataturk will be the safest airport in the world.  Good thing that we do not work for the Chicago Math and Science Academy.

The Former Yugoslavia

We are headed to the Balkans.  We fly into Sarajevo, Bosnia, capital of Bosnia-Herzogovina.  We will then take what is described as a very scenic train ride to Mostar, Herzogovina, where the famous Stari Most bridge over the River Neretra has been restored after its destruction in the Bosnia War.  Next a bus ride to and several days on the Adriatic Sea at the walled city of Dubrovnik, Croatia.  Then to Kotor, Montenegro, which is featured by Lonely Planet as a  Place to Visit in 2016. Finally we head to Kruja, Albania, where we join an "Explore" trip through Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia.